Saturday, September 1, 2012

You Again

Hi mom- Last night I had another dream about you.  I am so glad you have not disappeared in those quite yet.  This one was very cool.  I was at Campbell's trying to pick out some roses for the girls and you were there with me-it was clear that there was something wrong with you physically-you had a hard time walking or you walked with a limp or something.  But mom-you were completely YOU again-laughing with me, telling me stories, remembering things, helping me make decisions, talking to people.  It was amazing.  I thoroughly enjoyed having you there, having you present in your total capacity.  Waking this morning, I feel much more connected to the real you-the one that slowly started going away years ago.  Maybe I got a little glimpse of you in heaven.  I know you are in your full capacity there, enjoying every "day", "moment"-even though time is not measured there-or maybe it is and it just goes on forever and ever, each day as bright and wonderful as the last.  I can't wait.  I love you mom and miss you every single day.

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