Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I looked out the window early this morning and saw your star in the sky.  It broke me.  You have been taken out of this world.  You were such a beautiful person.  You taught me so much about life and family and loving Jesus with all your heart.  I still remember our very first conversation at Real Life Group when we were talking about how we wanted to set up our group and the topic of whether we should have food or not came up.  We both agreed that our food should be Jesus-that our focus should be Him and why would we have silly, superfluous things when He was there for the taking?  I remember laughing and being amazed that someone else felt the exact way I did about it.  I remember you.  You made such an impact on me that night and from then on.  You never complained-about anything.  You did not tolerate me complaining either.  The day Rachel left for Nepal I was so full of fear.  I emailed several friends about it.  They all consoled me-all except you.  You put me in my place telling me "she has kingdom work to do" and to basically snap out of it.  I loved you for that.  You always had God's perspective on life-always an eternal mindset.  I can still see your smile and you shaking your head and your beautiful heart spilling out of your eyes-your heart of love for the Father.  I will never forget you and Steve's testimony of how Jesus saved you, your heart for your family, your love for the Persian people.  I remember our lovely dinner at the Persian restaurant and the times you had us over for dinner.  I remember the night we invited the Iraqui couple over and the girls hid upstairs, spying over the railing to hear Steve share Jesus with them.  I remember every time I left you, you told me you loved me-and I know you did-I saw it.  You loved my girls like they were your own. The pink whisps of morning clouds are in the sky now and your star is gone-like you, my friend.  I will never forget you and the beautiful, passionate way you loved our Jesus.  I got a message from your sweet daughter last night-just like you-resolute, focused on Christ-gentle and sweet.  What a legacy you have left.  Dance with Jesus, my friend.  You are home now.

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