Saturday, September 8, 2012


"Here's to the twilight, here's to the memories, these are my souvenirs, my mental picture of everything......I close my eyes and go back in time, I can see you're smiling, you're so alive......."

I have so many souvenirs, mom, of your time here on earth-physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  I carry them with me.  They are my memories of you and at times they overwhelm.  This morning was our first cool morning of the fall-I sat out on the patio and happened to glance up at the clouds-they were glorious!  Rays of light were bursting through, shouting their presence and I wondered where you were-"up there", "out there".  What does that even mean?  You are no longer in space and time.  Your soul is safe with Jesus but man, I miss you down here.  Life is NOT the same at all.  Never will be again.  A huge rip in the fabric of life-an irreparable one.  So I will treasure my souvenirs of our time together-I will hold to things you taught me and the person that you were and the love you gave me.

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