Thursday, September 6, 2012


Dear Mom-  It doesn't seem right that you are not in this world.  I go about my day, unaware, distracted and then this overwhelming sorrow starts in my gut and moves up until it overflows through tears out of my eyes:  you are gone.  Really gone.  I won't see you on this earth ever again.  I try not to let it overwhelm me but it is sad and I miss you.  Every day.  Really miss you.  Life is hard and people are mean and sometimes I just need my mom.  However, I am so thankful you are where you are.  I would never ever want you back here. The only light here is Jesus-everything else is darkness.  Even with Him, some days, I just don't understand life at all....or people......or why things have happened as they have and why my heart is sad all the time.  No, mom, you are better off where you are.  So bask in it-bask in God's glorious presence.  And I will be happy for you.

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