Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mama's Christmas miracles

Hey Mama-Just returned from a lovely Christmas with you and the family, once again. This was a hard year, but not without its blessings. Jeff called them "a Christmas miracle"-and he, the unbeliever. One was the lovely way you sang each Christmas carol-each and every verse, even the ones in Latin. You haven't forgotten, have you mom? Another was the way your stiff, bent arms came to life when Christina started playing a Chopin piece-man, I have not seen them that agile in a long time. I asked you if you enjoyed playing Chopin and you said "yes, I did." You played it, mom, every note, in your mind and with your hands-it was magnificent to watch. The last miracle was your demeanor on Christmas day. All lovely in your purple suit, your eyes were so bright and focused as you were watching us play a game. I know you knew who we were, that we loved you, that it was a special day and there was joy in that room. You talked so much about so many things and followed us with your eyes. It was such a gift. Thanking God, today, for all of it. What beauty in the midst of the ashes of your Alzheimers.

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