Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Things I don't want to give up

It's Christmas time again. This Christmas we moved into a new house, and had 2 sets of wisdom teeth extracted. Not much time for decorating, caroling, partying, baking, or any of those other Christmasy things normally done. I am trying to decide if I miss it or not. Or....if the simplicity is much more in keeping with what Christmas is truly about. I am not ready to give up my Christmas traditions altogether. I feel we have done a good job in keeping them in perspective. However, for this year, I think I will rest in the fact that it is not about all those things at all, only Jesus, His birth, life, death, unchanging character, relentless love and pursuit of us. Even if I am in a prison cell somewhere, I still have all that, which is everything. No trappings needed. I am also thinking about all the special things my girls and I have done over the years. Not ready to give those up either. They are both home now, for a short time, and I want those things again: reading together, talking, praying, doing crafts, baking, singing, ministering, I want to always be doing those things with them: even when they are married and have kids of their own. And I think we will. I think so. It may be more or less some times due to circumstances, but when those times come, I will relish them and instead of mourning what was, I will be thankful for what is and look forward to what might be.

Strange how you think you want something until you get it and then realize it is not all it is cracked up to be. Strange what ungrateful "grass greener" creatures we are. I actually miss my little duplex. Not sure why. Maybe because we at least have memories there and we don't have any here yet. Maybe because it was small, cozy, easy to take care of. Maybe because of what God did in my heart while I was there-moving me away from Austin, giving me new life here, working His contentment in my heart. Maybe that is why it took us so long to find a house: God had a purpose for that time. I really do love our house as I sit here and look out the window at a backyard full of trees and nothing beyond-it is refreshing, but not as refreshing as God changing your perspective. That is what the duplex was all about. Oh, God, please do Your work here as well. Don't let me ever be content just existing. I never want to give up my quest for You.

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