Thursday, January 12, 2012


Dear Mom- Looking back at Christmas pictures from just one year ago and realizing how much can change in one short year. Last year you were standing, walking, playing Wii, smiling, interracting. You looked happy, enjoying your family. This year what a difference. You can't walk, can't feed yourself, don't communicate much. We will never again have Christmas in the basement-you can't get down there anymore. You still smile sometimes, occasionally laugh but many days don't track at all. What in the world happened in one short year? One year ago you were in the hospital for a broken hip-that was the beginning of the end. At least a couple of strokes sneaked in and stole parts of you during that time and the recovery time and the time beyond. You are still there-but a shell. This year seems like just a day. And yesterday you were still you.

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