Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We watched home videos last night to celebrate the girls' birthdays. There was Rachel with blonde curly hair smiling her little smile and speaking so distinctly-almost with a British accent. There was Christina toddling across the floor, plopping down with her thumb in her mouth-both of them, big eyes looking at the camera-in the tub splashing each other with bubbles-crawling like crabs and going in circles like dogs chasing their tails. It made me long for those carefree days when everything we did was fun and new and life was just a breeze. But then I realize that I do not have the energy for that anymore and that I like to be able to have the long conversations about deep issues with my girls that I have now. They will never be babies again, or really kids, but they will always be mine and we will always love each other and be in each other's lives and for that I am so grateful. Thank you, God, for giving me such exceptional people to be my children and for the privilege of raising them.

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