Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Christina was talking about her last memory of you as you today. She said it was when we were watching Madagascar and the song "move it" was on and you got up and started dancing. I am so glad my girls have those memories of you-the "improper" ones of you displaying your inner goofball for all to see. I know she is there because I know you well but you so often hid her for fear of not being proprietous(how I despise that word and even more what it stands for). Rachel said she remembered you and Gramps playing Wii golf. That was only 2 Christmases ago. I can't believe it, mom. Like Christina so aptly and sadly put it: "It is strange how quickly people can go away." You have gone away mom. You go a little further each day. One more way we can't reach you and you can't reach us. We are both trying: to reach each other. It is a frustrating game we play. But I am so thankful my girls have these memories and so many others of you. You were always so particular about saving things for your grandkids, making sure they got things that belonged to you and to your parents-you did not want to be forgotten by them. I don't think you ever realized that what they would remember about you would never be your things but so many moments like the ones mentioned above. They will never forget you-not Sammy Squirrel or silly songs, dances and sewing, painting and piano, jokes and your fake anger at dad's irreverent jokes when secretly you were laughing inside-your cooking and goodies and the way you made everything magical and every booboo better. Your songs about Jesus, favorite verses, passion for the Jews, stories about your family and our ancestors. So many things-none tangible, but all unforgettable-like you will be, soon, mom. You are part of us and always will be. Christina is just now playing the piano like a wild woman-just like you used to. She loves Chopin just like you. Rachel is painting her dresser right this moment with your old paints-she is an artist just like you. They both have you in them-the best part-your heart for Jesus. Now THAT is an inheritance. I love you, mom.

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