Monday, June 28, 2010


I was focusing on moving once again this morning-mourning it in my heart-this giving up of living in Austin-death of a vision. I decided I needed to focus on God's attributes and the next one was "good". Talking about God's good gifts got me thinking of all the good ones He provided here in Austin. I realized I have been thinking that by moving, I am having to give up those gifts when in reality-they are mine to keep forever. God does not retract His gifts. For example: one gift was the provision for my girls-ballet, piano, choir, etc...the "gift" was not the class or teachers or lessons but what it accomplished in my girls' lives-and they will have that forever-it is part of who they are. Another gift would be our church/ministries-Awana, Mission Possible, etc...I look at all that has done for my girls' walks with God and my own walk and I see that is something that is eternal-the investment of people into our lives and our investment into theirs is something that will last for eternity. I do not have to give that up. The gift of living in this neighborhood where I have so many sweet memories of spending family time, time with the girls, homeschooling them, swimming, hiking the trails, swim team, is what has made us who we are as a family and who they are as people-that will not end. They will not stop being those people when we move. We will not lose our memories-we will just not be able to make any new ones here. This is profound. I have been thinking of leaving in terms of loss instead of in terms of what we are taking with us from this place and this time in our lives: a boatload of memories, character, experiences that have made us who we are and will continue to have effect long into the future. Wow. What a shift. If God did that here-He can do it anywhere. It isn't about your surroundings but rather what you choose to make out of them. A city does not make a person-a person lets God shape them, using the tools at hand-God can use anyone, anything, any place to shape and to mold. Please use San Angelo to do just this, God.

1 comment:

cindyk said...

I am commenting on my own blog-how profound. We have been in San Angelo for a year now and I have seen God do some amazing things, provide in big ways and just bless us overall. Just had to give props where props are due-to God be the glory!