Sunday, March 7, 2010

Precious Things

Oftentimes as a homeschooler I think of all the things I could have done differently or maybe just all the things I could have done and didn't. Then God reminds me that the value does not lie in quantity but in quality and He reminds me of the precious things: baking bread for the firemen in our neighborhood, the girls pictures to children in Afghanistan, our Gospel of John party, reaching out to the homeless around town and Church Under the Bridge, ministering at Mission Possible on Fridays and all the precious children we are now friends with, reaching out to hurting friends and brainstorming ways to love them, all our time spent at Awana, playing the piano at Cedar Ridge Alzheimer's center and our precious friends there, Urban Submersion and the way it changed our lives-these are not big things in most people's eyes but they are the precious things in God's eyes because they are about needy people and His love for them. Help me remember God to always give my life for the things that are on Your heart.

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