Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Life in Random

Random thoughts on this September day, 2009. Maybe when I grow up, I will have a fancy blogspot with 100 followers who get on every other day just to see what I have to say ( I have a friend like this). Then again, maybe I will just live in obscurity, not fame, and one by one impact those around me. That sounds much more appealing. Less temptation to pride. I have been concerned lately about many things: one is young people's obsession with music-Christian, non-Christian-mostly non-Christian. Think of all the space you have filled in your mind with schmaltzy lyrics that could be filled with the Word of God. How many of these professing Christian young people take time to memorize God's word? And hey, with all the money spent on music and the hours that the ipod is plugged into your head-what could you actually be doing for the Lord to impact the world for His kingdom? Sorry-just a few thoughts. If you see entertainment out of control in my life, please tell me. We are such a distracted people-such a pampered bunch, such consumers. When are we going to learn to give until it really hurts? I am preaching to myself here as well. What can I give up for someone else today? time, money, resources, my rights? We all need a large dose of unselfish living. What are we willing to give up to get closer to God? Jesus gave His time, His home (He had none), eating (40 days of fasting), sleep (many sleepless nights), His reputation, His mental energy (teaching constantly) and eventually His life. What did He not give up? What did He keep for Himself and why do we grab so recklessly when all He did was give? Just something to think about.

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