Sunday, August 24, 2008


Finding out my mom probably has Alzheimers has to take one of the top spots for painful experiences in my life. Seeing her struggle to remember things, slowly lose interest in things she has done since childhood and that she has enjoyed her whole life, seeing simple tasks become painstakingly slow as she fumbles around in her fuzzy brain trying to figure out how to do them, or why she is doing them-it is almost more than I can bear. Yet "I will never leave thee or forsake thee"-even in this, Jesus is there to hold my hand-and hers, and to wrap all of us in His everlasting arms of strength so that we will not fall apart. Looking for recipes this morning, I came across one written in her own handwriting, not so long ago. She signed it "love mom" with a little cartoonish heart which is her signature. She is a great artist-has always loved to draw. This is one talent of hers that passed me by in the gene selection. I have always wanted to draw and paint like she can. Maybe she still has it in her in some capacity-maybe not. It is not her, I have to remind myself, just something she did. But realizing that soon, not just what she did but who she is will fade into the night and she will be gone is something I just cannot fully get my heart around just yet. I still want to soak her up-all that is left right now, until that day. "Tomorrow has enough trouble of its own"-amen and amen. Let's "juice" today (as my 16 year old would say).

Friday, August 15, 2008


I walked down the stairs this morning with an attitude of discontent once again. I see the little messes left around the house and do not remember the sweet words of the one who left them there "thanks for spoiling me, mom." I do not remember her grateful heart-I am too focused on my less than perfect house. Perspective. School is starting soon and I am panicking, not feeling prepared, thinking my time is going to be sucked away-I forget how much fun it is to get to do what I love-teach, and how thankful I am I get to spend so much time with my girls. Perspective. I am a little tired, my feet ache, my stomach hurts and I am lagging in energy as usual-but then there's my friend who is dying of cancer-how does she feel today? My friend who is going to prison-how does he feel? So many who are struggling with so many things. I focus on all that I need in the house-the broken dishes, ruined chairs, dirty carpets, table that is barely holding together and I forget that we have a roof over our heads (and a nice one at that), we have food, we have love, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit-we have eternal life and forgiveness of sins and a God who loves us dearly and daily. Perspective. Cup half full and God makes up the rest.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I am on a constant quest for something profound and then realize that only God can be profound-the rest of us are rather mundane in comparison. As Ecclesiastes says "there is nothing new under the sun". I can try to be witty or compelling but in the end it is all bunk without Him. All meaning and profundity comes from Him. "Be still and know that I am God"-Sometimes my quest boils down to a quest for self-exaltation. I want to be on a quest for joy-true joy, lasting joy, the only joy-Jesus! There is the profound.